Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thing #1

Thing #1

I would like to start by letting everyone know this is an exciting class for me. I have a daughter that is really good at blogging and I have read many of her postings with interest and pride. So for me to start my first blog is a delight.

I was impressed with the 71/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning. Of course, I have chosen learning as my career and thus take it very seriously. I do consider myself a lifelong learner and felt affirmed in many of my beliefs and habits.

I feel like the most challenging aspect to apply as I do the 23 Things will be using technology to my advantage. I use technology daily in my job. I feel very comfortable with the programs, their use and helping others with them. However, wiki's and blogs are not things I have ever used much less on a daily basis. That said, I expect the learning curve to be steep but enjoyable. I am also excited to share some of this with my family. I have two daughters that are really good at communicating through blogs. So I look forward to creating my own.

The easiest habit for me will be goal setting. I am a list maker and a task setter. I will be able to set goals for myself and feel successful as they are met. This is second nature to me and helps keep me focused. An example would be my weekend plans. I am attending a scrapbooking retreat this weekend with a close friend and past college roommate, Cheryl. We do this each summer. We just got off the phone from planning or scheming as it may be. We have spent many hours scrapping together which requires planning and goal setting. This weekend my goal is to complete my youngest daughters senior year scrapbook. I have requested that my husband (my photographer) edit photos he has taken the last of this year. These photos include graduation day, graduation party , cap and gown pictures, band banquet, prom, senior dinner at church, senior brunch, Orchestra concert, blue things, etc. After much work and selection all of these photos are developed and ready for me to add to her senior year book. So let the playing begin!

The most important habit for me will be creating my own learning toolbox. I have already asked my oldest daughter to help me in setting up my blog. And yes, her help was quicker than reading all of the instructions for myself. I did read over the instructions and found her knowledge to be quite comprehensive. She is after all a journalism major. So I would expect nothing less. However, she cannot be my only resource so I am sure I will find myself learning many things through use of the web, reading, Marnie, Misti and my other friends. So be on alert you guys I will be seeking info and help. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'm so glad to see you in this class! Love your blog background, too....It's SO you! :) Happy learning!
