Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing # 4

Thing #4

I enjoyed reading five of the post as instructed.

The ones I chose are as follows:

Why I Don't Assign Homework

Is this SSR 2.0?

Spies Like Us

Teaching Brevity

Power Point Reform - A First Chapter

Each of these blogs was interesting and brought up points to consider for our schools. The homework premise of Mr. Meyer that homework is connected directly to teacher shortcomings and has no other benefit for the students that really need the practice deserves consideration.

The second blog about getting students to read. Whether they read a blog or a book is brilliant! We started our youngest daughter reading on magazines and comic books. She is a constant reader now at age 18 and has been since at least middle school. So I agree that students need to be hooked into reading and once that is done the love grows. So just start them reading. If this is done with little effort or resistance from the students it sounds like a success.

I feel like this post illustrated the fact that blog reading is totally different from reading a book. The blogs I selected to read were all about current events and interesting to me because of that. They were written in common language and easy to read and understand. I gained a lot of information from the blogs. Several included personal experiences and others included research with their sources listed. That way I could look at the source myself for better understanding. The resource is easily accessible too. You can just highlight and go directly to the source. You do not have to go to the library, look for the book source you need and check it out which is a much more time consuming process. For a society that is drive thru oriented this is a perfect fit.

When I read for leisure I enjoy reading books that entertain me. Like a mystery, psychological thriller, or romance. Therefore, when I read a blog the objective is totally different. The blogs are more like watching reality TV. Whatever I have read thus far is about something that directly involved the author as well as research on the interest. But not something that is written totally to entertain. I do know that entertaining blogs exist and I have read a few. Those are written by totally creative people who are capable of writing a novel I would choose to read.

All in all blog reading is an excellent source for reading experiences and current research. I feel that it is similar to other reading in that you are gaining information through written form. The info may be about your direct interest with well documented easy to access sources. Where as a classroom reading assignment may have been written decades ago and not in current jargon about something that is currently taking place in a students life. A blog often offers the reader an opportunity to comment on the subject matter as well. Giving the student an opportunity to express his/her opinion directly to the writer and receive a response. A book does not afford such communication between the writer and the reader.

I feel that blogging facilitates learning because we are digesting information presented by someone else and have the opportunity to comment back and forth with the author which really makes me think my stance through and may even encourage me to research and provide sources to back up my opinion in order to impact the thinking of the author. So I do see blogging as an excellent tool to use in classroom learning.

Until next time. cc

Thing #2

Thing #2

I have not been using the Web 2.0 as I viewed and learned in this presentation.

Several things that I read and viewed were very interesting. I know that we have a Monday morning newsletter from our Principal that would definitely be enhanced by her being able to access teacher blog postings at a set time and include that information to the rest of us.

I could see how this would impact the function of our campus in a positive way. I believe that the teachers would also be able to improve their communication to colleagues, parents, and students.

As a counselor I have worked with parents and teachers on several occasions to set up a way to make sure the parent was aware of classroom requirements and whether the student was fulfilling the requirements. A blog would definitely fulfill most of these requirements and not take up extra time on the teachers part for individual students with this need. Instead ALL students and parents would be afforded this opportunity if the need ever arose to double check that weeks assignments, projects, and test dates.

The idea of students keeping a blog to enter their assignments into is also excellent. They are able to not only benefit from hearing the discussion of classmates but also to view what other students are turning in for assigned writings. I would liken this to learning a sport and doing drills like in tennis. If I practice with someone that is at or above my level I tend to go up to that persons level and benefit from seeing how they respond and handle certain situations as they play. This will help round out all students as they write and commumicate with each othe in written format.

The wiki sounds awesome in that it lets the teacher set up the main site with general info and resources that can be seen and accessed by the whole class as a web textbook. How many times as a parent or teacher have we had to make sure that our student had the needed resources at school and at home to complete the assignment. Here the student can access resources already provided as well as adding the resources they find for others to view. You do not have to be sitting right next to each other physically to do all of this either. I can really see this as a benefit if a student has an event out of town and can still access and work with his or her teacher and classmates while away and returning.

I have heard of podcast before but did not realize what it was. I can see how posting a class discussion would help many students that might have learning differences. Say if they cannot get things down on paper quickly because of a temporary broken arm. But they can go back and replay a podcast that evening withour worry of missing something in their notes. This would be a great tool for teacher lectures / notes. This would also help the parents to better understand what assignment was issued.

I can see this becoming a great tool in the future of education. I feel that students are already using and benefiting from many of these. So we must always manage to stay up or ahead.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thing #1

Thing #1

I would like to start by letting everyone know this is an exciting class for me. I have a daughter that is really good at blogging and I have read many of her postings with interest and pride. So for me to start my first blog is a delight.

I was impressed with the 71/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning. Of course, I have chosen learning as my career and thus take it very seriously. I do consider myself a lifelong learner and felt affirmed in many of my beliefs and habits.

I feel like the most challenging aspect to apply as I do the 23 Things will be using technology to my advantage. I use technology daily in my job. I feel very comfortable with the programs, their use and helping others with them. However, wiki's and blogs are not things I have ever used much less on a daily basis. That said, I expect the learning curve to be steep but enjoyable. I am also excited to share some of this with my family. I have two daughters that are really good at communicating through blogs. So I look forward to creating my own.

The easiest habit for me will be goal setting. I am a list maker and a task setter. I will be able to set goals for myself and feel successful as they are met. This is second nature to me and helps keep me focused. An example would be my weekend plans. I am attending a scrapbooking retreat this weekend with a close friend and past college roommate, Cheryl. We do this each summer. We just got off the phone from planning or scheming as it may be. We have spent many hours scrapping together which requires planning and goal setting. This weekend my goal is to complete my youngest daughters senior year scrapbook. I have requested that my husband (my photographer) edit photos he has taken the last of this year. These photos include graduation day, graduation party , cap and gown pictures, band banquet, prom, senior dinner at church, senior brunch, Orchestra concert, blue things, etc. After much work and selection all of these photos are developed and ready for me to add to her senior year book. So let the playing begin!

The most important habit for me will be creating my own learning toolbox. I have already asked my oldest daughter to help me in setting up my blog. And yes, her help was quicker than reading all of the instructions for myself. I did read over the instructions and found her knowledge to be quite comprehensive. She is after all a journalism major. So I would expect nothing less. However, she cannot be my only resource so I am sure I will find myself learning many things through use of the web, reading, Marnie, Misti and my other friends. So be on alert you guys I will be seeking info and help. Until next time.